(03) 5331 4188
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if I need to see someone?
You may seek assistance to manage a difficult period or relationship in your life. Or you may have been encouraged to seek assistance by a family member or friend who has a concern for your wellbeing.
Am I too old to see someone?
No one is ever too old to try to focus on improving their mental health and wellbeing, or dealing with a reoccurring stressor.
Mind@Home Psychiatry has a Psychiatrist who specializes in Aged Psychiatry.
What can I expect when seeing a clinician?
A clinician is a collective term for a person qualified in the clinical practice of medicine, psychiatry, psychology, or nursing as distinguished from one specializing in laboratory or research techniques or in theory.
Sessions are generally held in a face-to-face situation. They will include an initial assessment to allow the clinician to understand your concerns and see things from your point of view. This is followed by treatment strategies considered most suitable to assist you achieve your goals. The length of time this takes will vary.
You are free to discuss what you wish with the clinician, from daily events, dilemmas, feelings, thoughts, regrets, aspirations, memories and dreams. Or perhaps, in a safe environment, explore your issues and work towards your self-improvement
Clinicians use a range of different techniques and therapeutic approaches or counselling ‘modalities’ to offer assistance to you; including psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive behavior therapy, gestalt therapy and solution focused psychotherapy – to name a few.
What is the difference between a Psychiatrist, Psychologist and a Mental Health Nurse?
Psychiatrists, psychologists and mental health nurses all work in the area of mental health, and often work together. However, there are some significant differences between them:
- A psychiatrist is required to complete a six year medical degree prior to specializing in further study of the mind. Complete ongoing professional development to maintain registration.
- A psychiatrist can prescribe medication; a psychologist cannot.
- Some psychiatrists combine medication with other forms of therapy.
- Psychiatrists work with general practitioners or other specialists.
- Psychiatrists write referrals, request pathology and other tests
- A Psychologist has completed a minimum of 4 years study at university, and must complete 2 years supervised practice or a 2 year Masters’ program at University before gaining registration
- Complete ongoing professional development to maintain registration.
- Psychologists have specialist training in non-medical interventions and work closely with general practitioners or psychiatrists and in some cases Paediatricians
- Psychologists help both people with emotional and psychological difficulties as well as helping people who don't have these difficulties but wish to enhance their psychological wellbeing and functioning.
- Credentialed Mental Health Nurse
Mental Health Nurses (MHNs) may be defined as nurses who indicate that their main area of nursing is in the psychiatric or mental health field.A Mental Health Nurse has gained credentialing by demonstrating that they:
- Hold a current licence to practice as a registered nurse within Australia
- Hold a recognised specialist / post graduate mental health nursing qualification (as specified in the guidelines for applications)
- Have had at least 12 months experience since completing specialist / postgraduate qualification OR have three years’ experience as a registered nurse working in mental health
- Have been practicing within the last three years
- Complete ongoing professional development to maintain registration.
What about confidentiality?
All the information you disclose to your clinician is private and confidential. Files are kept in secure storage, and unless your clinician has your written permission, no information will be given to a third party, unless it is subpoenaed by a court, you give permission to disclose information, or our failure to disclose the information places you or another person at risk. In the event of any of the above occurring, your clinician will contact you and discuss any concerns with you before any information is released.
Mind@Home Psychiatry clinicians are bound by the Federal Privacy Act (1988) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and comply with the Victorian Health Records Act (2001).
Mind@Home Privacy Policy
What about the cost of consultations?
Costs vary depending upon the service provided. Contact our Reception for advice on fees.
A Gap Fee may apply. We accept cash and EFTPOS. Fees are payable in full on day of consultation.
What if i have a complaint about my clinician?
In the first instance, we recommend that you discuss directly with your clinician any issue you have with the service. If you think the particular clinician you are seeing is not a good fit, or does not have a style that suits your needs, you can request to see another clinician on the team however due to patient load a change of clinician may not be possible.
Do I need to do any specific preparation before I meet with my Clinician?
It does help to think about what you want to talk about and make notes about things that you want to discuss in the session if you feel comfortable. During the session, the Clinician may invite or encourage you to think about (reflect) on the things that are being discussed in the sessions and to make an effort to engage in various activities or complete tasks between sessions. If medication has been prescribed there will be specific instructions. Patients under the age of 18years must be accompanied in the Clinic by a Parent / Carer / Guardian or Case Worker with some, but not all clinicians.
Will my clinician be avalible in a crisis?
Mind@Home Services is not able to provide emergency services for people who are at acute risk or in crisis.
After hours:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800
Nurse on Call 1300 60 60 24 for the cost of a local call from anywhere in Victoria for health advice 24 hours a day. (Calls from mobile phones may be charged at a higher rate)If life is in danger Call 000 or
Go to your Emergency Department